OurPricing Plan

“Unlocking Value: Tailored Pricing Plans for Your Company’s Success”


Maintenance Pricing List
Service Category Description Frequency Estimated Cost
Hosting & Domain Domain registration and hosting fees Yearly £200-£250
Security Updates Security patches and updates Monthly £50-£70 (Negotiable)
Content Management Content updates, additions, and changes As needed £100 - £500+ (Negotiable)
Bug Fixes Identifying and fixing technical issues As needed £100 - £300+ (Negotiable)
Backups Regular data backups and storage Weekly/Monthly £50 - £150 (Negotiable)
Performance Optimization Speed and performance enhancements Quarterly £180-£250 (Negotiable)
SEO Optimization Search engine optimization strategies Monthly £200-£300 (Negotiable)
Analytics & Reporting Monitoring website traffic and reporting Monthly £150-£200 (Negotiable)
UX/UI Enhancements User experience and design improvements As needed £250-£300 (Negotiable)
Social Media Integration Updates and integration with social media As needed £50 - £150+ (Negotiable)
E-commerce Maintenance Product updates, inventory management As needed £400-£600 (Negotiable)
Customer Support Handling inquiries and support tickets As needed £200-£300+ (Negotiable)
Additional Features Adding new features or functionalities As needed (Negotiable)

Want to book a project with HumAi?

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